There seems to be interest in doing a bigger catapult & we do have a lot of 4×4’s – will update this webpage with links & pictures as a plan develops.
Bigger Trebuchet design:
We’re looking into a combination of one of these:
- Ten foot tall trebuchet that uses mostly 4×4’s, claims a 6# rock 140′, but uses 220 lbs. of counterweight.
- 6′ tall 2×4 design that should fit in a garage (needs new link).
- Should we add a floating arm to our trebuchet design? Check out this video – bowling ball warm-ups before the pumpkin launch!
This also may help us, an online trebuchet design/simulator tool. And if you need a sketchup for 3D work, you can download a copy for free if you select for personal use.
Catapults we’ve made

- ‘Quick & Easy’ wooden catapult using 2×4’s. We modified this design to make it work.
- Simple torsion design that uses 2×4′ s. See below for more on torsional catapults.
- And of course the classic craft stick catapults multiple times with younger kids.
Torsional Catapult

Websites with Torsional Catapult suggestions:
- Rope size advice & how much.
- has a discussion on torsional bundles advice for rope.