It’s that time of year again when amateur radio operators, descend upon Dayton, Ohio for the annual Hamvention. This weekend (May 15-17th) in and around Hara Arena 25,000 people or so will be there to learn things at seminars, buy, and swap things. This is the biggest event in the Midwest for folks interested in making anything electronic – although the focus of the event is on amateur radio. But if you’re interested in making things, especially electronics, someone will be there selling what you need (or what you want!). I’ve seen everything from electronic kits to build almost anything to Geiger counters, it’s an amazing gawkfest that even includes some military surplus (I remember the collapsible towers were a big item, literally, several years ago).
While you’re there it may be worth a stop at Mendelson’s Surplus in downtown Dayton to check out the 6 floors of surplus ‘stuff’ in their main building (their website doesn’t do the place justice). And of course the USAF Air Force Museum, which I’ve written about earlier, is a great stop to make it an awesome STEM weekend – that’s worth a trip on it’s own.
This Friday we’ll be doing a 3D printer demo for a class at Tzouanakis intermediate school in Greencastle to show them how math is used in making 3D models and prints. Will also be bringing the Printrbot printer to our next general Castlemakers meeting, which is being set up for late May.