Castlemakers offers classes to the general public, sometimes with a modest charge, so you can learn new things and to satisfy that inner desire to make something. Registering for these classes really helps us out so to make sure there’s enough equipment and components for class attendees.
Upcoming Classes
Reservations are always encouraged; you can contact us at classes@castlemakers-dot-org or stop by the makerspace. You can also subscribe to our monthly events newsletter to get the information by email.
Are you interested in an Introduction to Linux class? If so please contact us and so we can set up a date & time. We also have some Windows laptops that we’ve converted to Linux if you’re interested in one.
Have something you’re interested learning about? Have a skill you’d like to teach others? Let us know (info at!
Last updated on 2/11/24
Previous Classes
Our classes provide a good way for the public and our members to learn about using some of the equipment in the makerspace. They ranged from 3D printing, laser cutters, CNCs, and more. From electronics, soldering, solar, and of course microcomputers: including Arduinos, micro:bits and Raspberry Pi’s. We’ve even had a class on Artificial Intelligence(AI)! We try to show that anyone can learn old and new technologies – while having some fun doing it.
We’re not limited to technology though, many have an artistic flair, including Cricut classes, creating jelly art and even welding. We’re even experimenting with glass classes! What we really enjoy is getting people from different areas & disciplines so they can help each other learn, innovate, and do things they didn’t know they could do!